Who Owns La Sagrada Familia

Basílica de la Sagrada Família, or Basilica of the Holy Family, is a large Catholic church under construction in Barcelona, Spain. Designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and constructed over the course of nearly 140 years, this monumental building is regarded as the jewel of Barcelona and an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

La Sagrada Familia was originally founded in 1882 by a local philanthropist called José María Bocabella. Bocabella had the ambition to build a church dedicated to the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary and Joseph – to promote Catholic values, but his original idea was a smaller building. The newly formed ‘Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph’ acquired the land and drew up a plan to build the church. Bocabella then hired Gaudi, and in 1883 the first stone was laid.

Since 1883, La Sagrada Familia has been owned and managed by the ‘Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph’. This is a non-profit organization made up of volunteers that are mainly Catholic, who are dedicated to preserving and promoting the Catholic faith. The Association is a non-governmental body and not linked to any particular diocese or parish. As such, it is responsible for the construction, maintenance and upkeep of La Sagrada Familia.

In 2019, the Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph announced that it has established a foundation – the Fundación de la Sagrada Familia – to help manage the property of the church. The foundation helps to fundraise for the various restoration works being undertaken at the church, and also has the power to receive donations from around the world. The funds collected go towards the completion of La Sagrada Familia, as well as for the construction of a new nave, the implementation of a new audio-visual system and restoration of other works.

The Association’s vision is to turn La Sagrada Familia into an iconic symbol of faith and spirituality, to bring people closer to the Catholic faith and to promote Catalonia worldwide. They are striving to make Gaudi’s masterpiece a living and modern symbol of global peace and beauty. To this end, they are investing heavily in new technologies and designs to make La Sagrada Familia stand out in modern times.

To protect the basilica, the Association has implemented a strict security system, with CCTV cameras and additional patrolled perimeter protection. It also has a preservation team, which is dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the architectural works. Because of its status as a World Heritage Site, La Sagrada Familia is regularly visited by millions of tourists from all over the world, and the Association takes the responsibility of protecting the building extremely seriously.

Fundraising and Investment

The Association’s vision for La Sagrada Familia is extremely ambitious, and as such, it requires considerable funds to bring it to fruition. The Association has raised a lot of money in the form of donations and investments, but most of this is spent on personnel costs and restoration projects. To ensure that La Sagrada Familia remains in the public domain and is preserved for future generations, the Association relies heavily on donations and investment from wealthy individuals, corporations and institutions.

The key campaigns the Association runs to raise money are the annual Basilica Lottery, which helps finance large-scale restoration projects; the Cultural Foundation of La Sagrada Familia, which organizes cultural events to raise money; and the Friends of the Sagrada Familia, which is a membership-based campaign that helps raise funds by providing VIP access to the Basilica and exclusive cultural events.

The Association has also formed strong links with the Catalan tourism industry, as La Sagrada Familia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Barcelona. Local businesses are encouraged to donate and participate, and additional funds have been raised through sponsorship of events and advertising campaigns.

The funds raised are used for the renovation and expansion of La Sagrada Familia, but also for the development and promotion of the Foundation’s cultural and educational projects. These projects help to support local and international visitors in their exploration of the history and essence of the church.

Preservation Process

In order to ensure that La Sagrada Familia is preserved for future generations, the Association has implemented several restoration and conservation projects. The most important of these projects is the restoration of the main nave, which includes several unique features such as the Magic Fountains, the Great Mud Bath, and the 21 Towers. This project has been ongoing since 2000, and will likely take another 20 years to complete.

The Association is also responsible for preserving Gaudi’s original works, which include the stunning stained glass windows, icons, and sculptures. The Works of Art Commission is responsible for the maintenance and restoration of these works, and regularly involves experts from around the world in the process. The Association also contributes financially to the scientific research and conservation of the works.

The Association has also collaborated with environmental activists to preserve the surrounding natural environment. In 2018, the Association joined forces with the Catalan government to promote the protection of the local marshland, which is home to many endangered species. Through its involvement in the Marshland Conservation Project, the Association has contributed to improving and extending the life of the marshland, which has seen a resurgence in local wildlife.

Projects for the Future

The Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph has big plans for the future of La Sagrada Familia, and is actively looking for new ways to promote it to a wider audience. As part of this, the Association has launched several projects to make the basilica more accessible to visitors. These include the ‘Gaudi Virtual Tour’, which allows people to explore the Basilica via virtual reality technology; the ‘Ticketless Basilica Access’ project, which makes use of QR codes and NFC chips to give visitors access to the Basilica without paying for tickets; and the ‘Omni-Language Tour’, which offers guided tours in multiple languages.

The Association is also discussing ways to attract more tourists to La Sagrada Familia, such as organizing events, conferences and concerts. The aim is to make La Sagrada Familia the top tourist destination in the region, and to bring in additional revenue to help fund its construction and maintenance. As part of this, the Association is looking to launch new marketing initiatives and collaborations with local businesses and organizations.

Finally, the Association is looking for new ways to support the local community. It recently launched the ‘Neighborhood Outreach Program’, which provides financial assistance to local organizations and individuals in need. The program has helped to reduce poverty levels in the region, and has provided employment and training opportunities for local people.

Global Impact

The construction of La Sagrada Familia has made a global impact, inspiring millions of people from all corners of the world and providing a home for devoted Catholics. It has become a symbol of hope and beauty, and a reminder of the importance of faith, art and charity.

The Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph is proud of the fact that the Basilica has become such an iconic symbol of faith around the world, and that it has been able to bring together so many different people in a shared spiritual experience. And while the Association celebrates its success, it is aware that there is still more work to be done, and that the ultimate goal is to finish Gaudí’s masterpiece.

From its humble beginnings as a small church on a Barcelona hilltop, La Sagrada Familia has grown into a world-renowned icon of art, beauty and faith. And thanks to the Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph, it will continue to inspire generations to come.

Collaboration with Other Organizations

The Association has formed strong relationships with other organizations to help promote the construction and upkeep of La Sagrada Familia. These include local churches and religious organizations, as well as international organizations such as UNESCO and the UN World Heritage Fund.

The Association has also collaborated with a variety of cultural institutions, such as the Gaudi Museum, the Gaudi Institute, and the Catalan Tourism Board, to promote the understanding and appreciation of La Sagrada Familia both inside and outside of Spain. These collaborations provide financial assistance, as well as support and advice to the Association in its efforts to complete the Basilica.

The Association is also a firm believer in the power of collaboration, and has forged partnerships with universities to conduct research and develop new technologies to aid in the preservation of La Sagrada Familia. The Association has invited experts to the site to analyze the structure and take part in preservation-related projects. By proactively inviting experts from the engineering, architectural and scientific communities, the Association is ensuring that La Sagrada Familia remains a source of inspiration and beauty for years to come.


The Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph is dedicated to ensuring the completion and preservation of La Sagrada Familia. It is vital to ensure the Basilica remains in the public domain and is protected for future generations. Through its fundraising initiatives, collaborations with other organizations and preservation projects, the Association is committed to achieving its mission.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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