De La Sagrada Familia Barcelona

De La Sagrada Familia Barcelona

The Sagrada Família is one of the most recognizable landmarks of Barcelona and is widely regarded around the world for its grandeur and beauty. The building is an iconic example of the Spanish parochial art movement, known for its ornate facades and towering spires that have come to symbolize the city of Barcelona.

Designed by famed architect Anton Gaudi, construction of the church began in 1882 and is still ongoing today. While large portions of the church are now complete, parts of it still remain unfinished as of today. It is estimated that the construction will be finished by 2026, the centennial of Gaudi’s death.

The building is made up of three distinct parts, the Nativity Facade, the Passion Facade and the Glory Facade. The Nativity Facade is the structure’s entrance, and was the first part of the Sagrada Família to be completed in 1926. This facade represents the birth of Jesus Christ and contains a representation of the nativity scene and scenes from his early childhood. The Passion Facade, which was designed to represent Jesus’s suffering and death, was completed in 1976 and contains several sculptures that depict Jesus’s crucifixion. Finally, the Glory Facade is the most recent addition to the church and was completed in 2009. This facade represents Jesus’s resurrection, and features several stunning sculptures in its place.

The church is also home to a number of other features, from its stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Bible, to the 130-meter high central tower known as the Jesus Tower. The building has become a symbol of the city of Barcelona, and tours of the building are offered to visitors who wish to get a closer look at its intricate details.

Barcelona’s Highest Landmark

The Sagrada Família is also the highest landmark in Barcelona, standing at an impressive 172 metres, making it one of the tallest religious structures in the world.

The building has been recognised by UNESCO in 1984 as a World Heritage Site, and in 2005 the Sagrada Família was given the prestigious Prix d’Excellence Award by the European Federation of Historic Cities and Islands.

As the most prominent feature of Barcelona’s skyline, the Sagrada Família has become one of the city’s top tourist attractions. Many visitors flock to the building each year to marvel at its beauty, as well as explore its inside. Within the church, there are a variety of other features, from the largest painting in a church, the Tramontana, to the various sculptures that decorate the building.

Not only has the building become a valuable cultural attraction, but it has also become a symbol of faith for thousands of people across the world. The Sagrada Família stands in testament of Barcelona’s rich and varied cultural history, and is a reminder to all of the importance of faith and values.

Construction overview

Construction on the Basilica has been ongoing since 1882, but it is still far from being completed. Not only has the building’s construction been delayed by the Spanish Civil War, but also Gaudi’s death in 1926. This, combined with the sheer scale of the project, has meant that full completion of the building will not be achieved until 2026.

The construction of the Sagrada Família is far from simple. A team of hundreds of Construction Services Employees, contractors, engineers and specialists are responsible for the everyday running of the construction. Work is also done in conjunction with architects, technical staff, consultants and external firms for initial designs and further subsequent phases. In addition to this, the production of the necessary materials for the construction is handled by suppliers.

The best known part of the construction is the Nativity Facade, the main entrance which was the first completed of the various facades. This facade was designed by Gaudi and was completed after 44 years. This was followed up by the Passion Facade in 1976, followed by the Glory Facade in 2009.

The construction of the Sagrada Família is still continuing, and is held close to the hearts of thousands of people both within and outside of Barcelona. It is thought to be one of the best examples of Spanish parochial art, and is admired for its beauty and grandeur.

International Tourist Attraction

The Sagrada Família church is one of the most visited churches in the world, with more than 4.5 million people visiting the building each year.

The church is not only popular among the locals, but also to many tourists who visit the city. Tourists often take the time to marvel at the intricate details of each facade, as well as explore the inside of the building with its many sculptures, stained glass windows and other features.

The popularity of the church has also injected a lot of money into the local economy. Not only has this money been used to accommodate the influx of tourists, but also to further fund the continuing construction of the Basilica.

The Sagrada Família is a shining symbol of the city of Barcelona, and is admired and visited by people from all around the world. It is a site that symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of a people and a city, and will no doubt remain a symbol of Barcelona for many years to come.


The construction of the Sagrada Família has also been a source of controversy for many, who have vehemently opposed the ongoing development of the building.

The main issue has been that the building’s large modernist design has clashed with the surrounding architecture of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Not only is the church seen as an affront to the traditional architecture of the area, but it is also seen as a potential tourist trap that could potentially spoil the view of the other buildings in the area.

Another issue relates to the building’s potential to suffer from structural instability due to its sheer size. The towers in the building reach as high as 150 metres, so it is important to maintain the building’s foundation to make sure it is able to stand and withstand any seismic activity or bad weather.

The ongoing construction of the building has also caused disturbances for some of the local residents of the area. Many have complained about the noise coming from the site, as well as the difficult traffic of the surrounding streets.

Contribution to the Community

In spite of the controversies, the building has also contributed to the local community in a number of ways.

Not only has it brought thousands of tourists to the city, but it has also provided job opportunities for the local community. In addition, the money brought in by the tourists is also being put back into the local economy, which is used to fund projects and initiatives that benefit the local populace.

The Sagrada Família has also become a focal point of religion in Barcelona. Thousands flock to the building every year to celebrate Holy Mass, baptisms and other special occasions.


The Sagrada Família is undoubtedly one of Barcelona’s most impressive structures, and is admired and visited by people from all around the world. Not only is the building a symbol of faith and values, but it is also an important part of Barcelona’s cultural history.

The ongoing construction of the building has been the source of controversy for many, but it has also been a major source of income for the locals and has brought thousands of visitors to the city each year.

No matter what one’s opinion of the Sagrada Família may be, it is sure to remain a symbol of Barcelona for many years to come.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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