Is Sagrada Familia Open Today?
Gaudí’s Sagrada Família is one of Barcelona’s most iconic landmarks, attracting millions of visitors each year. But with the pandemic, it is harder to discover the answer to the perennial question: Is Sagrada Familia open today?
Unfortunately, due to the current situation the answer to this question is currently no. The basilica is closed at the moment, following the pandemic safety protocols in place in Barcelona. This decision was taken not only to protect visitors, but also workers and personnel of the monument.
The original construction of the Sagrada Família began in 1882, and it has been estimated that the construction will be completed in 2026. It is a huge project and the conservation teams are regularly working on restoration and preservation works.
The monument is a cultural and architectural heritage that is of great importance to the city of Barcelona. Although the constructors have tried to complete its construction as soon as possible, its completion has been delayed for almost two centuries due to a series of mutations and potential changes.
According to Aitor Gomez, the director of the mission to preserve the Sagrada Família “The interior refurbishment works are priority. We are currently restore six of the eighteen facades, there are still a lot of work to do in order to complete the Basilica”.
The monument is currently open for stream visits, in which people can log in and take tour around the inside of the Basilica. This activity was born due to the pandemic, when people were not allowed to visit the monument in person.
Additionally, there are plenty of virtual tour alternatives suitable to explore the Sagrada Família. This platform gives people the opportunity to explore the different spaces of the monument, the main attractions, or get information about relevant and interesting stories.
During this time, the Sagrada Família also provides visitors with many activities, such as audio guides, guided tours or conferences. These events are suitable to discover the history behind the construction and enjoy multiple sensory experiences.
The Protogothic Revival Style
The Sagrada Família is a great example of the protogothic revival style, according to the historians. The façades were designed by Gaudí in a neo-Gothic style, in order to evoke Parisian style churches, as for example the Sacré Cœur Basilica.
The style is characterized by multiple vibrant colors and plenty of carved stone figures, symbols and decorations. This combination of characteristics, show the complexity of the Sagrada Família and make the monument’s look quite impressive when it is observed from the outside.
The protogothic revival style has been maintained in the construction’s project although time, as Gaudí’s idea was to create a monument that could be able to transmit a miraculous sensation. This style was in a very popular in the 19th century and it was seen as a way to connect the past with the present.
Nowadays, the appearance of the monument has been modified slightly due to new technologies, materials and more advanced techniques. Despite, the symbolical and stylistic meanings preserved, mainly due to the presence of numerous religious figures and symbols throughout-the monument’s structure.
The Underground Vaults
One of the most impressive feature of the basilica are the underground vaults. The 18 vaults are split into the apse’s ambulatory, where the sculptures, chapels and altars are allocated. People can access to this area through the crypt’s facade, and then go down several stairs until the crypt.
The vaults have the same architectonic scheme, a central nave and two partial vaults at the sides. They are very well lit by more than hundred colourful stained glass windows, located behind numerous columns. These windows were actually designed by the stained worker Joan Vila-Grau, and they represent the majesty and mystery of the Sagrada Família’s interior.
The ground floor is richly decorated with four altarpieces, two at each side of the central nave. The altarpieces are mainly used for Masses, so that the priest can perform the ceremony from the four faces of the basilica.
Additionally, the turrets situated in the corners of the apse are also highly interesting. In the past, these turrets used to perform several functions. One of them was lighting the sight throughout the walls of the vaults, using light signals made by candles.
Gaudí’s Works
The Sagrada Família is one of the main works by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. Gaudí was an artist with a very innovative vision, with the capacity to create complex architectural structures, with a typical organic and sensorial style, which was highly influenced by nature’s forms.
Gaudí’s works were also characterized by their eclectic appearance, featuring multiple elements from other art styles, such as Renaissance, Gothic and Art Nouveau, creating a unique and spectacular fusion.
He was an experienced constructor and a genius who worked with a great passion in every part of the design, ornaments and facades. He created some of the most iconic architectural works of Spain, such as Casa Milà, Park Güell and the infamous Sagrada Família.
The basilica’s project was initially designed in a neo-Gothic style, but the architecture of the monument has been modified during the 19th century, until it finally adopted the Catalan Modernism style. This type of art focused on the combination between Arts and Crafts and Nouveau art.
The construction of the basilica has been supported by many people, such as different constructors, engineers, experts in architecture and also by the help of volunteers. The work carried out Gaudí and his team has remained mostly intact throughout time, preserving their creative legacy.
Covid Restrictions
The restrictions caused by Covid-19 have caused a lot of issues related to the Basilica’s visit and its preservation. Due to the current situation, it was necessary to close the monument’s access while the pandemic was been handled.
The Sagrada Família has been implementing safety protocols and measures in order to preserve it. These measures affect both the workers and the visitors and provide detailed information about the conditions in which the monument’s visits are allowed.
The monument is currently closed for visitors, but people who are interested in exploring the Basilica and discover its secrets, can still do that through virtual tours and online initiatives, such as online audio guides, educational resources, guided tours, artistic performances and much more.
This initiative gives people the opportunity to explore the different spaces of the monument, get informed about the facts and stories behind its walls, and appreciate its wonderful sculptures and figures. It is also suitable for people who are not interested solely in the architecture, but in discovering the history, the culture and the traditions of the city.
The Monument’s Future
The protective systems of the Sagrada Família and the actions which are taken by its protectors, hope to guarantee that the monument can survive the test of time, and preserve its artistic and architectural heritage to the present and future generations.
The monument is faced with a great challenge, in order to respect and preserve the original project, while still using the most advanced technologies and materials in order to guarantee its conservation.
Sagrada Família’s future is likely to include: The installation of new ventilation systems, the modernization of the retrofitting and the electrical systems, the completion of the vaults and mural and the restoration of several of the facades.
The monument is very important for the city, and most of its visitors are from all over the world. Consequently, there is no doubt that, once the pandemic situation improves and the monument is safe to visit again, it will keep playing a vital role in the culture and cultural tourism of Barcelona.
The Monument’s Impact
The Sagrada Família is an iconic structure, and one of the most beautiful monuments of Barcelona. It represents the city in tourist guides, postcards and other types of advertisement, constantly impacting people’s sentiments.
The basilica is considered a symbol of Barcelona’s creativity, artistic values and innovation. Its organic and organic architecture and its eclectic style represent the modernity of a city that is constantly evolving, while still preserving its traditions and culture.
Gaudí’s basilica is a symbol of resilience, culture and traditions. Throughout its construction and the pandemic, the basilica’s project has been kept alive, thanks to the dedication of its constructors, protector and volunteers.
Now, the monument is still an inspiration for architects, promoters of culture and people from all over the world who appreciate its amazing beauty and understand its many messages.
The Monument’s Influence in Spain
The Sagrada Família is one of Spain’s most iconic landmarks, standing out internationally as a symbol of Spanish culture and architectural heritage.
The basilica has been featured in multiple international movies, tv shows, art pieces and magazines, rapidly becoming one of Spain’s most popular monuments, commonly photographed during its construction.
The monument is also a living museum, with several activities and events regularly held in its interiors. Through these activities, many people are exposed to the beauty of the Basilica’s architecture, the mysteries behind its structure, and its importance to the city of Barcelona.
The legacy of Gaudi’s Sagrada Família continues to inspire people in numerous ways. Its presence reaches beyond its physical walls, as people now also have access to explore its interior through various virtual platforms, gaining insights into Spanish culture.
The Sagrada Família basilica is a symbol of Spanish culture and artistic heritage, with a global reputation. Its completion has been delayed by the pandemic, but even so, the basilica is open by virtual visits and the project continues thanks to the help of volunteers, experts, and other organisations.
The monument’s interiors are of great beauty and majesty, filled with mysterious stories and decorations, as well as amazing sculptures, altars and cloister. Its style is mainly characterized by multiple vibrant colors and highly decorated facades.
Once the pandemic situation improves, the monument will keep playing a vital role in the city’s culture and cultural tourism, a true symbol of resilience, tradition, and modernity.