What Is The Arc De Triomphe Made Out Of

Background information

The Arc de Triomphe, also known as the Triumphal Arch, is an iconic monument located in Paris, France. Constructed in 1806, it stands 50 meters tall, 45 meters wide and 22 meters deep. Standing atop the Champs-Élysées, it has become a symbol of French power and an enduring element of Paris’ history. The arch is dedicated to those who fought for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and contains the names of all the generals who fought in them. The structure is made up of four pillars which support the iconic vaulted ceiling, with four additional pillars extending down to the ground.

Materials used

The arc de triomphe was built from Italian marble and Carrara stone from France. These materials were chosen for their strength and durability, as the arch was designed to last for centuries. The arch was also covered with bronze ornaments. These ornaments were made from melted cannons and other weapons used during the wars which it honors. The ornaments featured inscriptions and depictions of battles, as well as images of lions, eagles and Napoléon Bonaparte himself.

Architectural design

The arc de triomphe has a distinctive architectural style. The basic shape and structure of the arch is inspired by the Roman triumphal arch, with the use of Corinthian columns and elaborate sculptures. The arch was heavily influenced by the works of the Greek architect Demetrios of Phaleron, who was responsible for building many of the triumphal arches found in Rome. The arch utilizes the concept of ‘forcemajeure’, which is a combination of geometric forms, soaring heights and dramatic angles, giving the arch its iconic shape.

Restoration and Renewal

Despite its age, the arc de triomphe is in remarkably good condition. Since the arch was constructed, it has been the subject of multiple restorations. It has been repaired, reinforced and repainted multiple times throughout its long life. In 2008, a comprehensive restoration project was undertaken to restore the arch to its former glory. This included cleaning, repainting and repairs, as well as the creation of a lighting system to illuminate the arch at night. The restoration project also saw over 70 sculptures replaced or restored in order to maintain the arch’s aesthetic appeal.

Cultural Significance

The arc de triomphe is a powerful symbol of France’s history and national identity. It has become a popular tourist attraction and a gathering place for the people of Paris. Every November the arch is the site of one of Europe’s biggest military parades, celebrating France’s independence and national honour. The arch is also home to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a memorial for those who died in war. Every day at 6pm the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is honoured with a ceremony, in which a flame is lit in memory of the fallen.


The arc de triomphe is a symbol of French patriotism and national pride. Its construction is a symbol of France’s determination to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. The arch also stands as a memorial to those who have fought and died to protect France and its ideals. The arch is seen as a beacon of freedom and a reminder of the glory and grandeur of French history.


The arc de triomphe has been a defining feature of the Paris skyline for over two centuries. It has become a symbol of French resilience, strength and patriotism, and it has been the site of many momentous events in French history. It has become a universal symbol of hope and freedom, standing as a reminder of the human capacity for greatness.


The arc de triomphe has had an immeasurable impact on the city of Paris and French culture as a whole. It stands as a symbol of France’s proud history and a reminder of its capacity for greatness. It has become a popular site for tourists to visit, and a beloved part of Paris’ cultural identity. The arc de triomphe is an enduring symbol of French culture and a testament to the power of human achievement.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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