Where Is The Colosseum And Trevi Fountain


The Colosseum in Rome and the Trevi Fountain in Italy are two of the most well-known landmarks in the world. Located in different Italian cities, they both attract millions of tourists every year and offer a unique experience. This article will discuss the history of the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain, their design and architecture, their significance, and explore the experiences which visitors can have when visiting these attractions.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is situated in the center of Rome and was initially constructed between 70 and 80 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Vespasian. The Colosseum was built as a grandiose amphitheater and served as an arena for entertainment, battles, and naval warfare demonstrations. It was largely funded by the spoils of war from Titus’s conquest of Jerusalem and it was dedicated to Vespasian when it first opened.

The Colosseum is thought to have been over 50 meters in height, with four floors, plus a fifth floor which was added in later periods. It features a mix of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns and is famously decorated with the famous gladiator fight scene from the movie Gladiator. The building’s design is known to be exceptionally durable, considering the harsh conditions and age of the structure.

For several centuries, the Colosseum was used for a variety of entertainment events and battles, including sporting events such as boxing or wrestling, theatrical shows, mock naval battles, and even executions. It was also the primary venue used for the celebration of Roman Emperor’s birthday celebrations. Today, it is one of the most visited tourist sites in Rome and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is located in the city of Rome and was commissioned in the 16th century by Pope Clement VII. It is a stunning Baroque-style fountain and is regarded as one of the most iconic monuments in Rome. It is famous for its elaborate design and stunningly beautiful sculptures.

The fountain is located on the corner of the Piazza di Trevi and is the largest Baroque fountain in the city. It is almost 85 feet tall and features dramatic sculptures of the Roman Gods Neptune, Abundance, and Salubrity. The fountain is said to have been designed to represent the abundance and prosperity of the mighty Roman Empire. It is also believed to be the site where the legendary Roman goddess Diana and her beloved fountain, were worshipped.

Today, the Trevi Fountain is one of the most visited attractions in Rome, attracting millions of visitors every year, who marvel at the beautiful sculptural and architectural elements. The fountain is also famously visited by tourists who make a wish while throwing a coin into the water – supposedly turning it into reality.

Design and Architecture

The Colosseum is a marvel of design and architecture, and it was built using state-of-the-art materials and techniques. The stadium’s elliptical shape mitigates noises inside the stadium, and its project of amphitheatrical ramps, numbered from the arena up to the level of the third and topmost floor. The Romans used concrete made from marble chips and pozzolana (volcanic soil), and a more durable solution was found in travertine blocks. The interior of the Colosseum displays a radial symmetry with ascending tiers of seats divided into four sections. Flanking each of the four main entrances, or vomitoria, are staircases that divide the arenaceous zone into two parts.

In contrast, the Trevi Fountain is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture and design. The fountain is almost 85ft tall, with stunning sculptures of Roman Gods Neptune, Abundance and Salubrity dominating the central motif. The fountain is said to have been built to represent the wealth and power of the mighty Roman Empire, which was reflected in its intricate sculpture and design. The fountain was designed by noted Italian architect Nicola Salvi and inspired by Gianlorenzo Bernini’s famous Creation of Adams fresco at the Church of St. Peter’s in Rome.


Since opening, the Colosseum has seen countless historical events, from gladiatorial contests to naval battles. Although rarely used for gladiatorial games today, the Colosseum is a powerful symbol of the Roman Empire’s laissez-faire attitude towards the cruel sport. The Colosseum offers visitors an insight into the past and its stories remain powerful reminders of the strength and brutality of the Roman Empire.

The Trevi Fountain is also a remarkable symbol of the Roman Empire’s wealth and power. Its beauty and scale are awe-inspiring and it is a symbol of the city’s elegant artistic styles. The fountain is a popular destination for tourists and remains a timeless landmark of the city. It is said to have great superstitious powers, in that throwing a coin into the fountain’s spectacular waters will bring good luck to the person who carries out the act. Over $1,500 is thrown into the fountain every day – a testament to its significance in the city.


Visitors to the Colosseum can take in the awe-inspiring architecture and imagine the countless battles and events that were held in the arena. Walking around the Colosseum offers visitors a unique insight into the heydays of the Roman Empire, and its scale and grandeur truly brings to life its powerful history. The Colosseum offers many interesting guided tours, which offer access to otherwise restricted areas and offer visitors the opportunity to explore the structure in greater detail.

Visitors to the Trevi Fountain can marvel at its beauty and scale, and appreciate the stories of its mythology. Taking in the wonderful sculptures and the intricate design of the fountain offers visitors an experience which will always stay with them. Throwing a coin into the fountain is also said to bring good luck and make all fun dreams come true. Finally, visitors can also enjoy the Piazza di Trevi, where they can find restaurants, cafes, and other attractions – offering a truly unique experience.

Conclusion of tour experience

Visiting the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain offers a unique and unforgettable experience. With fascinating stories and rich history, the two iconic landmarks are must-see attractions when visiting Rome. Not only do they offer a fascinating glimpse into the past, but they also provide an opportunity to appreciate the craftsmanship of the architects and the role these attractions have played in creating the city we know today.

Analysis of Influence

The two monuments have held a prominent place in the city of Rome since their construction, the Colosseum being completed in 80 AD and the Trevi Fountain in 1629. The Colosseum stands as a powerful symbol of the Roman Empire, prompting admiration and respect of its strength and grandeur and serves as a reminder of the brutal gladiator games which took place there. The Trevi Fountain represents abundance and prosperity, as well as an enduring symbol of the power and wealth of Rome. It has become a popular destination for tourists and its iconic stature and significance make it a significant part of the city’s history, culture, and identity.

Current Condition

The Colosseum has significantly deteriorated over the centuries, but it remains an impressive structure, despite its age. The Roman Empire’s grandiose amphitheater has withstood earthquakes, warfare, and vandalism. Restoration efforts have kept the monuments in good condition and allow visitors to experience the grandeur of its design. The Trevi Fountain, however, has remained largely in tact, with its original design still visible. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Rome, and its iconic stature and beauty attract thousands of visitors each day.

Preservation Efforts

In order to preserve the monuments, authorities have initiated various preservation efforts. One of the most notable is the ‘Colosseum Restoration Project’, which was launched in 1997 by an Italian preservation group. The project was aimed at preserving the monument and restoring its structure and decorations to their original condition. Over the years, the project has addressed unprecedented problems such as air pollution, weathering, and vandalism.

For the Trevi Fountain, efforts are continuously taken to protect its structures and sculptures. In 2018, a major restoration project was launched to clean and repair the fountain. The project, which cost €2.2 million, involved cleaning the fountain of deposits, repointing the plaster, and rebuilding parts of the stonework. The restoration project was intended to preserve the fountain for generations to come.

Tourism Impact

The Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain are without doubt two of Rome’s most iconic tourist attractions. Not only do they offer an insight into the city’s history, culture, and identity, but they also attract millions of visitors each year. Thanks to the preservation efforts of the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain, they continue to attract tourists and offer an unforgettable experience.

The popularity of the two attractions has had a positive impact on Rome’s economy. Tourists who visit the city spend money at restaurants, hotels, and shops, helping to boost the local economy. The monuments remain powerful symbols of the city’s influence, both past and present, and serve as reminders of the city’s grandeur and its ability to captivate visitors from all over the world.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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