How To Get To Arc De Triomphe By Metro

Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile is a famous monument that draws thousands of tourists each year. Located in the heart of Paris, it is easily accessible by metro. Whether you’re visiting the monument for the first time, or wanting to take a Metro ride from Paris to the Arc De Triomphe, there are a few things to remember. It’s best to prepare as much information as possible for an enjoyable and stress-free journey.

Start by purchasing the Paris Metro pass. This gives you unlimited access to the metro lines and is well worth the upfront cost. It’s especially handy if you’re staying in the city for a while, or if you plan on making multiple trips to the monument. There are several ticket options, but the pass is the least expensive and will save you the hassle of buying tickets each time.

Your next step is to decide which station to get off at. The closest station to the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile is Charles de Gaulle – Étoile. From there, you can take a direct metro line to the Arc. It’s a short ride and is a great way to quickly get there without having to deal with Parisian traffic.

Once you’re on the metro, the best way to navigate the city is to use a smartphone with GPS mapping. The GPS helps you track your route, and the phone’s built-in maps make it easy to note the direction of each stop. Your GPS should lead you right to the entrance of the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile. If not, it may be helpful to consult a local resident or other travellers.

Before leaving the station, familiarize yourself with the public transport rates, regulations, and safety measures. Use only reputable metros, buses, and cabs to get there. Last but not least, remember to bring some cash for any admissions fees or souvenirs.

Use these tips to help you get to the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile by metro. Enjoy your journey and witness the beauty of one of Paris’ most iconic monuments.

Cost of Metro Pass

The cost of a Metro pass ranges from €7-17, depending on the duration of your stay. If you plan on staying longer than a few days, it’s best to purchase the monthly pass. This will offer you unlimited access to the metro lines and is much cheaper than the daily pass. Be sure to bring your pass with you when you ride the metro.


The entrance to the Arc de Triomphe is accessible to visitors with limited mobility. There are accessible ramps and elevators that make it easy to get inside the monument. Additionally, the Paris Metro has equipped its stations with “PMR” benches for the less mobile population. So, if you need to rest, the metro station benches are the perfect spot to do so.


Using the metro is generally safe and convenient, but there may be occasional pickpockets in the public spaces, especially in tourist areas. It’s best to be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you. Additionally, don’t carry too much cash with you and keep your bag zipped and in sight.

Travel Time

The travel time from the nearest Paris Metro station to the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile is approximately 5 minutes. For a more scenic journey, you can take a bus to the Eiffel Tower and then walk to the Arc. That journey will take around 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Planning Ahead

It’s a good idea to plan ahead for your trip to the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile. Make sure to check the metro schedules in advance, so you know when to leave. Additionally, it’s best to bring a map of the city with you, so you know how to get back. To further prepare, you can look up the monument on the internet and read up on the history and architecture. That way you’ll be able to appreciate the full experience.

Public Transport System

The Paris public transport system is very efficient and easy to use. Most of the buses are equipped with ticket machines and anyone can purchase a ticket simply by adding their coins. The Metro station is easy to navigate and includes a helpful interactive map. Many stations also provide customer services, so if you have any trouble you can easily ask for help.


There are several parking options available to those visiting the Arc de Triomphe. The closest one is located on Avenue des Champs-Elysees and is open 24 hours a day. It’s best to check in advance for pricing and availability. Additionally, there are several public parking lots in the area.

Alternative Transportation

As an alternative to the Metro, you can opt for buses, trams, and other transportation options to get to the Arc de Triomphe. Taxis are also available but they are often expensive and can be difficult to find during peak times. If you want a more personal experience, you can also rent a bike or scooter and enjoy the sights and sounds of Paris. Just be sure to wear a helmet and follow the traffic rules.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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