{"id":13951,"date":"2023-10-24T16:15:18","date_gmt":"2023-10-24T15:15:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/?p=13951"},"modified":"2023-10-24T16:15:18","modified_gmt":"2023-10-24T15:15:18","slug":"who-built-the-forbidden-city-of-china","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/who-built-the-forbidden-city-of-china\/","title":{"rendered":"Who Built The Forbidden City Of China"},"content":{"rendered":"

Background Information on The Forbidden City of China<\/h2>\n

The Forbidden City of China is a palace, located in the center of Beijing, that was the political and ceremonial centre of the Chinese government for almost five centuries. The construction of this iconic palace, known as the Imperial Palace, was begun in the early 15th century by the Yongle Emperor, and it was completed in 1420. The Forbidden City consists of hundreds of buildings, with some 1,000,870 rooms across an area of 720,000 square metres, making it the largest palace complex in the world. It is currently a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and millions of people visit it every year to admire its grandeur and opulence.<\/p>\n

The Construction of The Forbidden City <\/h2>\n

The Yongle Emperor, Zhu Di, brought together numerous artisans and other skilled craftsmen to build the Forbidden City and make it the most magnificent palace in the world. The emperor planned the architecture and design of the complex himself, with the remaining details being delegated to the best artisans. He also appointed a team of dedicated administrators who devoted their lives to ensuring the construction of the city was successful.<\/p>\n

The construction of the city involved a huge amount of work, with nearly one million people estimated to have been involved in the project. The craftsmen used an array of materials, including marble, jade, and gold, and the buildings showcase intricate details and sophisticated designs. Every room of the palace is decorated with highly symbolic murals and sculptures.<\/p>\n

The Architectural and Cultural Influence of The Forbidden City<\/h2>\n

The Forbidden City represents a microcosm of traditional Chinese culture. It is a vibrant reflection of the architectural, cultural and religious aspects of Chinese society during the height of the dynasty. The Forbidden City stands as a testament to a vast and powerful kingdom, and has had a large influence on the development of Chinese architecture ever since. In addition, it has become a symbol of Chinese culture, values and beliefs.<\/p>\n