{"id":11841,"date":"2023-10-21T15:40:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-21T14:40:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/?p=11841"},"modified":"2023-10-21T15:40:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-21T14:40:13","slug":"what-type-of-mountain-is-kilimanjaro","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/what-type-of-mountain-is-kilimanjaro\/","title":{"rendered":"What Type Of Mountain Is Kilimanjaro"},"content":{"rendered":"

Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania, East Africa, is the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world with its peak towering at 5,895 meters. It is a stratovolcano, a type of volcano that consists of layers of ash, lava, pumice and rock. While Kilimanjaro visible from far away as a snow-capped mountain, its summit has been rapidly melting due to global warming, with only the highest peak now possessing a permanent ice-cap. <\/p>\n

Kilimanjaro is composed of three distinct volcanic cones, Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira, the tallest of which is Kibo, being an inactive stratovolcano. While there is evidence of past eruptions, the last major volcanic activity occurred more than 360,000 years ago. Characterized as an “inselberg” or “monadnock”, Kilimanjaro is composed of large gradients; the mountain climbs abruptly from a height of 960 to 5,895 meters. <\/p>\n

Given its dramatic slopes and high elevation, Kilimanjaro is a popular destination for climbers and adventurers. In the lowlands and valleys, the climate is humid, hot and rainy; on the mid-level peaks, dry air and cool temperatures are common; and on the higher ascents, low temperatures, high winds and snowfall occur. With its wide range of climates, weather and landscapes, Kilimanjaro is a thrilling experience to summit. However, the higher trekking paths can be dangerous, reaching temperatures of minus 25°C on the summit and encountering winds of up to 40 mph. <\/p>\n

The local people have resided in the area for centuries and have their own insights on the mountain. According to their mythology, the mountain is home to the god Ngai, and thought to be regarded as a sacred realm by locals. It is also believed to be a place of mystical healing and fertility, and as such, people are encouraged to donate to local causes, such as donating water to villages in the surrounding areas. <\/p>\n