{"id":11426,"date":"2024-01-11T01:05:14","date_gmt":"2024-01-11T00:05:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/?p=11426"},"modified":"2024-01-11T01:05:14","modified_gmt":"2024-01-11T00:05:14","slug":"how-tall-is-kilimanjaro-mountain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.monumentsandsights.com\/how-tall-is-kilimanjaro-mountain\/","title":{"rendered":"How Tall Is Kilimanjaro Mountain"},"content":{"rendered":"

Kilimanjaro – An Overview<\/h2>\n

Kilimanjaro is an immense stratovolcano that towers alongside the border of Tanzania and Kenya in East Africa. It is the highest mountain in the African continent, widely considered to be the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. It stands approximately 19,341 feet or 5,895 metres high, a majestic and formidable sight that delights nature lovers and hunters of adventure the world over.
\nKilimanjaro is made up of three distinct volcanic cones that fit together: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. Kibo is the highest of the three cones, standing both the highest and most prominent in the area. The other two are smaller in comparison and much further away from the summit. All three cones form what is known as a stratovolcano, pushing up incredible amounts of rock and ash which has mixed with solidified molten rock called magma to form the mountain.<\/p>\n

Expert Perspectives on Kilimanjaro<\/h2>\n

Experts have long held a deep respect for Kilimanjaro and its impressive heights. Geologist Chris Homkes has studied the mountain for more than two decades and is in awe of the landmark. Explaining his work, Homkes states, “When you’re standing here, it’s hard to believe the thing will be here in the future. It’s a big, big mountain and one of the most interesting features is the ecological variability.”
\nGeologists view Kilimanjaro as a living mountain due to its extremely distinctive ecology. Although it is divided into seven distinct ecological regions with vastly different climates and soil, it is still united by its powerful volcanic formation. This unique and incredible nature has made the mountain a reflection of the African continent and a beacon of hope. <\/p>\n

Impressive Data on Kilimanjaro<\/h2>\n

Kilimanjaro is an incredible site, providing incredible amounts of data in regards to its altitude and geological diversity. To begin, it’s only one of three mountains on Earth that has glaciers and snow on its summit – the other two being Mauna Kea and Mount Everest.
\nFurthermore, it is estimated that around 40,000-50,000 people climb Kilimanjaro each year. Surprisingly, around 85 percent of the climbers manage to summit, however the climb itself is still an incredible challenge, requiring significant physical and mental strength.
\nOn top of the glaciers, Kibo cone stands an impressive 5,895 meters tall, making it the tallest of the three cones and very clearly the largest component. It is estimated that 18 km³ of rock (mysteriously covered in snow) currently sit atop the summit, building a glacier which is slowly retreating due to environmental changes.<\/p>\n

Analyzing Kilimanjaro’s Height<\/h2>\n

Kilimanjaro’s height seems to be the primary source of fascination for those blessed enough to take in its glory. Despite being located so close to the equator, it still has the three distinct cones and equally unique ecosystems, reaching an incredible peak of 19,341 feet or 5,895 metres.
\nThis is what makes Kilimanjaro an even more dramatic sight. As it is so close to the equator, the surrounding area experiences much higher temperatures than other mountains found at a similar altitude. Regardless, Kilimanjaro stands steadfast, a source of strength and courage as well as a testament to the power and beauty of nature.
\nAlthough we may never definitively know how tall Kilimanjaro is, the likelihood of a change in its elevation is incredibly slim. Using satellite images and modern technology, geologists have been able to measure the mountain’s size with incredible accuracy; it’s very unlikely that its overall height will be altered in the foreseeable future. <\/p>\n

Legend and Culture of Kilimanjaro<\/h2>\n