Why Did They Cover The Arc De Triomphe

Why Did They Cover the Arc de Triomphe?

The Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, or “Triumphal Arch of the Star”, was unfashionably covered by barriers of metal in the late 1800s. The move was rife with controversy and the immense structure, completed in 1836, became a source of discord in the eyes of many.

It all began when the “star” of the arch, Napoléon Bonaparte, wished to make a statement about his might and in particular, his military might. It was a time of great conquests and achievements, and this arch was to be a sign of that. Making it a monument exclusively of triumph, rather than a point of general recognition, earned him a fair few critics and enemies.

Node that though the Arc de Triomphe was indeed built to recognize the military successes of the French Empire, it was also a symbol of France’s unity and power. Its interior walls are covered with inscriptions – names of great generals and famous battles.

Such a grand monument needed to look spectacular even in the nineteenth century. Therefore, four sculptors were commissioned to cover the arch with a bronze sunburst which symbolized the Sun King and the glory of Napoleon. This is the same emblem that can be seen today on the walls of the monument.

However, Napoleon never got to see his monument completed. Instead, a series of metal barriers appeared around the triumphal arch. This move was in response to Napoleon’s critics who considered the monument to be an excessive show of ego. The metal barriers were installed to deter further criticism of this symbol of French imperialism, a criticism that began in the 1840s.

As the years went on, however, public opinion changed and the metal barriers were removed in 1869. The monolithic structure was now celebrated and admired in its full glory. However, the controversy never quite left it, and so the metal barriers were reinstalled in 1883.

The situation escalated in 1889, when anti-imperialist protesters led by Victor Hugo marched around the arch. This led to further prevention of public entry, as the government sought to prevent public dissent. The barriers were not finally removed until 1894, when the arch became a festive monument and a symbol of the unity of the French people.

How Did The Arc De Triomphe Come to Represent French Nationalism?

Napoleon’s goal of creating a visual representation of French military might was in part due to a desire to foster nationalism – and it worked. The Arc de Triomphe soon became a widely recognized national symbol, representing a proud nation forged by the courage and ambition of its people.

Despite the political turmoil and frequent changes it experienced, the triumphal arch managed to retain its place in the heart of the French people. This became even more evident during the First World War, when the monument was decorated with various items from the victorious French troops.

The Arc de Triomphe also became a symbol of French national unity. After the First World War, a torch-lit procession held annually on November 11th was organized and began to take place at the arch, with people from all around France gathering to celebrate their nation’s victories.

Today, the Arc de Triomphe symbolizes both French military and national pride. Its position as one of the most iconic monuments in all of Paris makes it a destination of culture, history, and tourism.

What is The Significance of the Arc De Triomphe?

The Arc de Triomphe was built to immortalize the glorious accomplishments of the French Empire, but it came to encompass so much more. It stands today as a testament not only to the fall of one empire and the rise of another, but also to the unifying power of nationalism.

The Arch is a symbol of French history, of all the triumphs, hardships, and victories that have taken place throughout the years. It has prospered and suffered through wars, revolutions, and much, much more.

The Arc de Triomphe is a reminder of the proud French nation, a nation that continues to stand strong despite all odds. Its iconic archways have seen millions pass through, and millions more yet to come. Its centuries-old history and symbolic importance continue to attract visitors from all over the world to stand in awe of its grandeur and beauty.

What is the Impact of the Arc de Triomphe on France Today?

Today, the Arc de Triomphe continues to be an important symbol of French identity and patriotism. It is a focal point for public displays and ceremonies, with the most memorable being the Bastille Day military parade on July 14th of every year.

During the parades, victorious French military processions march around the Arc de Triomphe and salute its victory. The annual parade brings together dignitaries from all over the world to enjoy the timeless legacy of the arch.

Moreover, the Arc de Triomphe retains a strong educational value. Its specific location has history and archaeology written into its walls and its importance has grown in contemporary times to the point where Paris’ mayor, Anne Hidalgo, has the Arc de Triomphe declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The monument has also maintained its cultural importance in France. Its arches have become home to some of the most famous art exhibitions, such as Rodin’s ‘The Kiss’ in 1937 and Salvador Dalí’s ‘The Dance of Time’.

How Does The Arc De Triomphe Stand Out From Other Monuments?

The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most awe inspiring monuments of the modern age. Its towering presence has ensured its place in the pantheon of iconic monuments of Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.

Although the Arc de Triomphe has been overshadowed by these other monuments in the past (perhaps due to its link with the Napoleonic era), it has since become one of the most recognizable monuments in all of France. It is a reminder of French history, culture, and patriotism and will no doubt be remembered for centuries to come.

What Is The Long Term Impact Of The Arc de Triomphe?

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument of enduring appeal and importance. It is a testament to the power and resilience of the French nation and remains a source of pride and admiration for many. The message of nationalism that the arch represents carries great weight even in modern times, and no doubt will for many more centuries to come.

The Arc de Triomphe stands as a reminder of the past, but also a beacon of progress and hope. It is a symbol of resilience and perseverance, a reminder of what can be achieved through unity. It is these qualities that make the Arc de Triomphe such a powerful and immortal monument.

How Has The Arc De Triomphe Changed Over the Years?

Although the monument remains very much the same, it has experienced a few major alterations throughout the years. The most significant changes came in 1830, when the columns of the arch were replaced with a sunburst symbolizing the Sun King and the glory of Napoleon.

The monument has also become a muse for many contemporary artists, with murals, sculptures, and installations all being added to the arch. Most recently, in 2019, a mural of freedom fighter Victor Hugo and a bold quotation from his Les Misérables were painted on the arch, with the support of the Paris city government.

The Arc de Triomphe, although constantly changing and evolving, will undoubtedly remain a monument of global importance for many more years to come. It is a symbol of French history, culture, and patriotism, one that continues to inspire awe and admiration in all who lay eyes upon it.

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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